John A. Campbell Courthouse, Mobile, AL

John A. Campbell Courthouse, Mobile, AL
US General Services Administration
Mobile, AL
Design Architect: Hartman-Cox Architects
Architect and Engineer of Record: URS/AECOM
Contractor: W.G. Yates and Sons Construction Company
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the John A. Campbell Courthouse in Mobile Alabama is a 1934 historic building that underwent a recent substantial renovation. The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Structures were carefully followed to ensure the appropriate selection, detailing, and installation of security controls and MEP systems in this historic building. New building systems, lighting, fire protection, and security upgrades were seamlessly integrated into all historic spaces, and historic materials renewed and conserved, infusing these carefully restored rooms with the environment, technology and finishes appropriate for a modern courthouse. Exterior masonry was cleaned and repaired with new windows to simulate the original fenestration pattern, along with the recreation of the original 1934 courtroom. The building was renovated to meet the ABAAS standards, as well as site perimeter security to meet ISC requirements established for this project.
Photos by: Robb Williamson