
Mobile Opens Doors to New Federal Courthouse

“The grand opening of the new Federal Courthouse was recently held, marking the end of a highly anticipated project that took decades to plan. The $89 million contract went to a team led by W.G. Yates & Sons, which oversaw the construction project from its office in Biloxi, Miss. In addition, architectural firms from Washington, D.C., URS and Hartman-Cox Architects, were also part of the team.”

-Correctional News

$89 million Construction Contract Awarded for New Federal Courthouse in Mobile

New Federal Courthouse Mobile

The federal government has awarded the main contract to build a new federal courthouse in downtown Mobile, meaning that a project more than a decade in the making may finally break ground by the end of the year.

The $89 million contract went to a team led by W.G. Yates & Sons, which will oversee the construction project from its office in Biloxi, Miss. A pair of architectural firms from Washington, D.C., URS and Hartman-Cox Architects, are also part of the team.